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Spring at Sylius – the new 1.12 release is sprouting🌱


Hello folks! We’re coming to you with a bunch of insights and updates on our recent work at Sylius Development Team, Community and Core Team. Are we driving smoothly as planned in the roadmap?

1.12 release plans

Sylius/Sylius v1.12 – the release date is yet unknown, as we are considering a switch to scope-based releases. A possible release date and decision should be announced next month. You will not miss it for sure! 

On the other hand, you’re probably wondering what’s the scope for Sylius 1.12? Here’s what we have planned:

  • Default theme facelifting ✅  – that’s already done, check out the master demo, we’re awaiting your feedback!
  • Dockerization of Sylius packages – an extensive blog post on that matter is coming soon 🔜
  • New API stabilization – when making a first step on this road, we’ve never thought it will be so long and bumpy. Fingers crossed we will replace the `experimental` tag with a `stable` one this year 💪  See the most recent Pull Requests!
  • Symfony 6 support – the progress can be tracked here.

We’ve already rolled up our sleeves and got down to work but the final scope might get slightly adjusted during development.

Sylius Team++

We are growing stronger. 3 new devs have joined us since the beginning of the year – Ernest Warwas, Kevin Kaniaburka and Zbigniew Malcherczyk. Two more devs joined us earlier, at the end of last year – Rafał Jaskulski and Kamil Grygierzec. You could’ve also spotted a new marketing partner with us – Olga Smętek. Please, warmly welcome all of them in our community!

From the left: Kamil, Olga, Ernest, Kevin, Rafał, and Zbigniew. Great to have you with us guys! 👋


We’re increasing our efforts in the Sylius documentation area. Updating the outdated Components & Bundles docs; finally documenting the Sylius template events or refreshing the Getting Started with Sylius tutorial are just some of our goals for the upcoming months. Fingers crossed for Artur Plich, our one-man army on that duty!

Resource and Grid Bundles – new releases from the Core Team

Recently, we’ve released a new version of SyliusResourceBundle – v1.9. What’s inside?

  • Support for Symfony Workflow, 
  • PHP Attributes for route generation 
  • and a more straightforward usage of service entity repository.

You can expect SyliusGridBundle v1.11 this week as well. The current status is that we published a 3rd release candidate. Give it a try! 

Thanks Loïc, for all the efforts. A blog post about these bundles’ release is on the way.

Community highlights

We would also like to make a few community highlights:

Thanks to Jakub Tobiasz, products in the admin panel that do not have translation requested by the admin locale are not hidden anymore. You can read about it more here and check the final solution here.

All our packages officially support PHP 8.1! This includes the supported plugins: InvoicingPlugin, RefundPlugin, PayPalPlugin, AdminOrderCreationPlugin, PluginSkeleton ShopApiPlugin.

There’s also an interesting discussion on “Cost price” rolling on our GitHub, have you seen it? We would definitely use your opinion, if you have one👂.

Last but not least, an honorable mention to Łukasz Chruściel who had his part in shaping this blog post🙏

See you on the road to 1.12! 👋

The post Spring at Sylius – the new 1.12 release is sprouting🌱 first appeared on Sylius.

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